Yummy hog roast from Foxbury Farm which is good and local. There may have been a few food miles on our pork but they were only just into double figures.
We ate our hog roast with a half of Hobgoblin bitter from the Wychwood brewery bar whilst watching the brass band and the morris dancers (I love morris dancing).

After lunch we browsed round the craft tent. There was some lovely sewing and knitting but I'd already spent all my cash on the scrummy food. We also dropped by the Oxfordshire guild of Weavers, Spinners, and Dyers to see how they were getting on. Apparently they'd been busy demonstrating all day so hopefully that means lots of new members.
More exciting craftiness tomorrow as I'm off to a new quilting group that's just starting up at my work. Should be a good impetus to get finished on the hand quilting of the baby quilt that's been languishing next to the sofa for a few months now.
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