A cake, a cup of tea, a new book from the library* and international rugby on the telly - it doesn't get much better. Plus I have a new secret project (because I just don't have enough projects on the go at the moment) featuring the most lovely soft squishy yarn in lovely colours. I'm not going to post about it because it's secret, but Ravelers can check it out here.
Continuing the luxuries theme, we've been making quite a lot of these lately:

The recipe is from Nigella Lawson's Feast and they're very easy to make. They also contain no butter (although that's somewhat negated by the chocolate chips!). They're called breakfast biscotti but I can eat these at any time of the day or night.

The best bit (apart from eating them) is slicing the giant biscotti loaf.

Imagine dunking that.
Last week I handed over a somewhat squiggly skein of hand-spun to Katie for winding. This week she handed this over.

It looks like real yarn! I'm going to let it rest in the cake for a while as hopefully that will stop it springing back on itself when I start to knit with it. I've got a hundred grams which I think translates to around 300 metres (from my very rough measurement. I'm leaning towards a River stole which I think would be about the right size and also the right complexity of lace to show off the colour changes (although I have no idea how those will work out when I start knitting!).
* albeit one that made me put the chain on the door later on when it got dark.