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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring has sprung


[daffs in the graveyard]

I love daffodils - I love the white narcissi and the big floppy yellow ones which make me think of yellow labradors and the fancy double ones and the especially the miniature daffs which look like tiny fierce little dragons*. Of course I can't think about daffodils without thinking about Wordsworth and there's not so much a host as a veritable horde of golden daffodils about to make their appearance outside the gates of the 'big house'** opposite the bus stop. I'll get a pic as soon as they're in full bloom.

So, did everyone else know that Spring Knitty is up and if so why did no one tell me? I really love Cachoeira (obviously Cookie A. is not the only sock genius blogging over at Knitters Anonymous) and I think Hanne looks like great fun to knit and wear. Given its free-form nature it might be a good choice for all that BFL handspun I have hanging around.

The other pattern which I think is gorgeous but which I don't think I'll be knitting just at the moment is Shipwreck. The photos of this piece are just fabulous, I especially love the shot of it all spread out on the sand like a beached man-o-war.

* what, you don't see that?
** also known as Blenheim Palace.


Anonymous said...

beautiful photo! What kind of cemetery has live daffodils?

Liz said...

Pretty much all graveyards in the UK I'd say!

Anonymous said...

Love the daffodils! I'm off to look at knitty now :)