Oops - didn't mean to drop off the radar for quite so long there. I've had lots of posts planned about all the stuff I've been upto lately and then just not quite got around to posting them.
Since I last posted I have mostly been ...
... spinning up singles. Artist's Palette fibre bought yonks ago in Great Malvern spun into a dk(ish) weight singles. Inspired by Megan I fulled the yarn and it's turned out rather well. I'm thinking a lace scarf or cowl would be nice.

... eating lardy cake at Huffkins in Burford. I hadn't tried lardy cake until a week last Sunday but can confirm that it is exceedingly good. So good, in fact, that it's a national treasure according to
The Times.

The boyfriend and I always seem to end up in Burford when we go out in the car. Some might argue that this shows a lack of imagination but Burford
is lovely, has free parking, an abundance of tea-shops and a great cookware shop where I encouraged the local economy by buying pastry cutters.
... quilting. After seeing
this quilt on the blue blog on Monday I was seized with a desire to try sashing. I rushed home, did the hoovering, and then started sorting through all my fabric stash. After three hours of University Challenge, Masterchef, and The Bourne Identity on ITV2 I had half the blocks and all of the sashing cut out. By Tuesday (after Masterchef and the Bourne Ultimatum) I had all the blocks done and had started stitching. I'm very excited about all the lovely blues and greens in this quilt - I think it's going to look fantastic.

Just a teaser photo as I intend this one to be a present.
... knitting socks. I didn't quite manage to finish both of the boyfriend's socks in time for our anniversary dinner on Wednesday (8 years is handpainted merino, right?) but at least they should be done in time for Valentine's day. I was going to knit the boyfriend socks by '
flatmate Alice' but my yarn (Colinette Jitterbug in dusk) was too much of a heavyweight so I've knit something a bit similar but a bit different.

... running. 9 miles on Sunday, 5.7 miles on Tuesday, 4.5 miles on Thursday, 5 miles on Saturday. At which point I pulled something in my back in a completely stupid way* so had to miss Sunday's 12 mile run. I spent Saturday and Sunday knocking back codeine and rubbing on ibuleve and drew amused glances on Monday as I kept refilling my hot water bottle at work - luckily it was a snow day so most people assumed I was cold, rather than that I had bad period pains! Today I ditched the hot water bottle and broke in my gorgeous new running shoes (thanks Mum & Dad!) by running the same 5.7 miles as last Tuesday. The back's feeling a bit sore now in consequence but nothing I can't hack!

... having my birthday early. I was up north this last weekend for the Bolton vs. Spurs game. Lots of lovely presents including new running shoes (above), gorgeous chocolates from the Orton factory (below) and three points for the Wanderers. And I got a scrummy cake.

... taking photos in the snow. The snow which blanketed most of the country gave Oxfordshire a big miss and we only got a dusting. Still there was enough to make the tropical palms in the Parks look pretty incongruous and to make me feel smug about wearing appropriate footwear both today and yesterday. My Brasher hiking boots may be overkill in half an inch of snow but at least my feet were warm.

* I coughed whilst bending over - I said it was stupid.