

You may be thinking why would we want to cover over the wood flooring with carpet? Trust me the boards are not as nice as they look in these photos. Beside the terms of the ground lease don't allow us to have bare boards. Granted this is the same lease that forbids us from playing a pianola after 11:30pm but still it wouldn't be fair on the downstairskes.
Now we just have to build our bookshelves, move the cardboard box fort containing all the books from the living room back to the spare room, oh and find someone to trim and rehang the four doors which wouldn't clear the carpet. I have to say that I'm a little narked that the estimator from John Lewis didn't tell us that the doors would need trimming when he came last week but it's a small gripe.
Now do you want to see something really horrific?

I was really excited this morning when I finally found where my original Berry Hill mittens had been hiding all this time. Sadly something had found them first. This is why I now keep all my knitwear in plastic boxes with cedar blocks in them. Can we all take a moment to mourn the sad passing of my wee gloves? At least they're immortalised on Ravelry. Also fallen prey to the moths' tooth were some Louisa Harding fingerless mitts (one of my earliest knits), my bonfire night mittens (in the same yarn as the Berry Hill mittens - that stuff must have been tasty), and a non-handknit hat and scarf. Sigh!