Phew, it'll be a relief to go back to work for a rest on Monday! We did the quilt show in fine style on Friday, I think we saw all the stands and nearly all the quilts. There were too many to remember or to describe in detail. Ruth and I loved the winner in the miniature category which had around 30 or so one inch sashed blocks containing tiny open umbrellas in different colours finishing with the final one half-closed. No pictures I'm afraid as we were very good and (mostly) obeyed the injunctions not to take photos. We also loved the Liberty Jack quilt which was made up of around 32 Union flags in different Liberty prints - just gorgeous.

Luckily there was no such prohibition on taking photos of Ruth and Ellen, although I did get a verbal warning!
Amongst the quilts on show on the stands we were all very excited to see not only the
Very Hungry Caterpillar fabric but the made-up quilt.

I especially loved the panels showing the food that the caterpillar eats a hole through - I've always adored the water melon, which is slightly weird as I find water melon a bit disappointing in real life. It's probably because nothing can taste as good as water melon looks.
The first stand we spent any time at was
Buttoncompany who stocked Amy Butler fabric, some great woollen felt and loads of Japanese prints including the robot fabric which Kim used for her
fantastic messenger bag. She happened to have this with her at the show and it was promptly grabbed off her by one of the stand holders to show a customer what could be done with the fabric. I snapped up a fat quarter of the stuff and when Katie went back later to pick up some for herself they were still talking about Kim's bag!

My main objective for the show was to pick up a pattern and some fabric for a skirt as I really want to get started making clothes but I couldn't resist this roll of fat quarters from
The Quilt Room especially as I was able to get a metre of the light blue print with white flowers as backing fabric.

I should have enough for another crib sized quilt of some description though I've not even started to think about a pattern. The colours would be good for a swimming pool quilt but given the amount of fabric I have it would have to be more like a paddling pool.
By this time Ruth and Ellen and I had finally found the nice seating area near the teaching and Q&A rooms and everyone headed there to sit down and compare purchases. Katie and Kim had been to the Cotton Patch which had a large selection of Rowan and Amy Butler fabrics. Katie had got a lovely book of baby patterns which Amy Butler signed for her and Kim had bought a great dress/tunic/camisole top pattern so I thought I should get over there and see what else was on offer. I was really tempted by the dress pattern but it's somewhat out of my league for a first attempt at making clothes from a pattern so I went with the Barcelona skirts pattern and (after much consultation and dithering) a lime green fabric with a green/grey flower pattern.

When I got home I confirmed that I'd picked the right one by the age old method of wrapping it around me in front of the mirror - why they don't let you do that at the show I have no idea.

My final purchase of the day was a metre roll of Lamifix from It's clear plastic film that you can iron onto fabrics to make them waterproof and can be used for making bags and mats etc. I thought I'd try ironing it on to my robot fabric to make a small bag or purse.

I had a fabulous day - it was really great to see
Jaq and Kim again and to see Ruth who has recently moved away from Oxford so won't be making it to many Bluestockings meetings. The whole thing was topped off perfectly when I finally made it home to discover that my ticket to see the Yarn Harlot at the iknit day had come in the post. Only 20 days to go!