Yesterday was "our* birthday"! Number three on the list of reactions I get when I tell people I have a twin brother after "are you identical" and "do you know what the other one is thinking" (to which the respective answers are "no" and "actually sometimes yes") is "too bad you have to share your birthday". In fact I love sharing my birthday with my twin. When we were growing up the fact that it was the birthday of 2 out of 5 of our family made it much more special a day - to the extent that my elder sister had to be bought a consolation present to make up for the fact that all the other kids (me and Ste) were getting spoilt rotten.
The "spoiling rotten" still seems to be going on (in the yarn department at any rate). In the midst of many other pressies (including the ultimate gift of M&S** knickers) was a bag of enough hand-dyed Blue-faced Leicester in DK (above) from
Oxford Kitchen Yarns to knit a Tatami. The colourway is Latte/Biscuit and is a special order from
Katie as she thought (having knit one herself) that Tatami would look much better in a variegated yarn than a more or less solid. The colour is ridiculously caffiaceous - so much so that I want to lick the yarn because I'm convinced it will taste like coffee icing!
On top of that, Katie turned up at the pub on Wednesday bearing a gift of hand-spun, hand-dyed Blue-faced Leicester as a gift from herself and Lara.

This stuff is truly special. It's spun and dyed by Heike whose etsy shop you can find at
All the Pretty Fibers and it's the softest, squooshiest yarn you can imagine. I'm keeping it in the skein just to pet for a while!
Finally a work-in-progress. I'm having a bit of a blitz on socks at the moment as I've noticed that a couple of my pairs are wearing through at the heel (I'm going to have a go at reinforcing them of course but I'm not sure how well that will work). The latest pair are just some very simple toe-up blue socks knit from some leftover denim regia of Aliki's which I got at the yarn swap with heels and cuffs in slightly lighter leftover denim regia from my own stash.

They are knit with a gusset and heel-flap and (inspired by Cat Bordhi) the gusset increases are created by the yarn-overs in the simple lace chevron which then carries on (in a purely decorative function) up the leg.
* me and my twin brother.
** to the Americans - M&S stands for
Marks and Spencer and is very, very different from ess & emm.