A couple of posts ago I wrote about a few things that I'd enjoyed that week and this got me on to planning a short series of posts to share some of my "treasures", things I enjoy and which I hope you will too. This isn't an unselfish exercise as I'm very much hoping that, although I don't plan to tag anyone, some of you will share your "treasures" (either in your blogs or in the comments here) in return and I'll get a whole load of recommendations!
To start off with I'd like to tell you about some blogs I really enjoy. I'm not mentioning my friends' (you know who you are) blogs here simply because I figure that if you read this blog then you're probably familiar with them already and I'd like to introduce you to something new.
Fat Orange Cat Studio is the blog of Li Ward a pet (and now wedding) photographer based in Boston. I found her blog by way of her knitting blog,
domesticrafts, where she still posts from time to time. Her photography is exquisite. Even if you're not really a pet person I defy you to resist cooing over some of her subjects, for instance
this little guy, and I love her descriptions of each shoot. She's even shared some of her tips for photographing subjects who typically won't stay still (in an article for the
NY Times Gadgetwise blog) which I can tell you work just as well for babies as they do for pets.
Life at La Bastiole is the story of an American family living in the south of France (think
A Year in Provence except without John Thaw). Sadly for her readers 'Madame Marron'
et sa famille have now moved back to
les États-Unis so there will be no more stories about Jules their eccentric (to say the least) landlord or the complexities of
pétanque. However, the archive is still there to enjoy and I really hope that once the bustle of the move is over she will start writing about being an American who used to live in France and now lives in the US again.
Vanessa Cabban, who writes
do you mind if I knit?, is a children's book illustrator, knitter and crocheter. I always visit her blog when I feel in need of a colour hit. Recently she's been treating her readers to a series of photographs from country shows and open gardens in the border country - really I could lick some of that jam off the screen!
I'll be back in the next day or so with more treasures. In the meantime you can check out all the blogs that I like in my blogroll in the sidebar.