It's been a while since I went to one of these things and I think I was thrown by the range and quantity of yarn on offer. And I was literally dazzled by the wall of Wollemeise. Seriously that stuff is bright. Anyway I spent a long time looking at and squishing yarn but not really matching any of it in my head to a potential project.
Until I made my second pass by the Fyberspates stand and remembered that since I'd bought a ticket for the Knit Camp Clapotea party I'd better turn up having knit a Clapotis. I've made a few starts on one before but not for a few years and never with purpose bought yarn.

[Scrumptious by Fyberspates in Biscuit]
I'd seen this yummy stuff (seriously it's like very soft shiny butter) at Bluestockings when Helen was knitting up a Tamesis sample for Lien and it should be perfect for the Clapotis. After some fairly complicated lace on little needles I'm really looking forward to knitting something soft and drapy on big needles.
* this was very successful - I ran into Sara from Bluestockings with her friend Amy, Ruth and Judith from Sticks'n'String, Kate and her sister, and Sarah (ex-Bluestockings).